Natural gas reserves of the Company, are limited in contrast to the need to continue our growth for use other than to produce electricity very. The extraction of coal, is in its early stages. For the production of electricity, for 70% of the household, deposits of coal, not equal to our need for the development of a strong industrial base for a long period of time. Bangladesh, there is a need to reduce the pressure on the use of fossil fuels and especially gas. This, it is necessary that the energy source, the sun, wind, sea, to go for the first one especially renewable and reliability. Character, beels, hill, island, out of Barind region that to have the electrical connection is difficult, it is time for you to use along with commercial energy solar energy in remote rural areas it at least. Production of renewable energy has become a practice that is very popular all over the world from the sun and wind and electricity. Use of PVA'S module, has become the most popular in our country. They also offer a reliable power that is independent, there is no problem of power interruption or load shedding are fed up at the moment and we. Neighboring countries We are using them on a large scale and lank of Sri Lanka and India, the land of households and businesses. We also as very low compared to the 371 km of Sri Lanka and 446 kilometers of Pakistan use our energy, 196 kg, and India, it must be using solar energy. And it is provided by the use of them 35% of our energy, to only 5% of our household natural gas, and coal.
Of our coal, should play a major role in the industrialization of the country and the supply of power for our electricity. The use of coal for the development has been popular in various parts of the west of the earth mainly. Utilization as a major source of energy, dates back to the industrial revolution in the UK. During the British rule, Bangladesh, Pakistan, the Indian sub-continent, it was widely adopted in the locomotive. 58% of electricity is produced by coal USA still. 48% of fuel in Indonesia comes from coal. China is the exporter and the world's largest producer of coal. Even so as pollute the environment, consumption of coal is coming down of the whole world it. Not so much carbon emissions since there is a possibility coal we do not have the ash particles at all harmful. If you leave these poems all in the view, geologists We had been active since the 1950s for the discovery of coal deposits in the northern region of the country. As a result, it was identified by the Geological Survey of Bangladesh of 12 areas as coal potential. In the end, six mine was found, respectively, 3 and 1 in Rangpur Dinajpur in Bogra, and Naoga,. Bangladesh 3000 MMT of coal is 500 MMT can be recovered: with (in million tons). This estimate of the expert is based on the coal deposit is much closer to the surface than one Jamalpur. According to them, recoverable deposits, equal to 50 TCF of natural gas in terms of fuel. It is used for coal about 80% to generate electricity rest of it countries and for other uses, including domestic consumption. The country can expect power by coal-fired power generation of 50 to 60 years. Exports (July 2007), coal deposits have been identified in the northern district of the past, has expressed the opinion that you can extract the 5000 megawatt year of electricity for 90 years from 66 recent GSB. By applying the conversion technology of coal to be used in the United States, Europe, Japan, South Africa, we have to convert the coal to further "chemical products petroleum liquid synthetic clean, synthesis gas, fertilizer, and other" I can. Therefore, rather than coal to meet the demand of our for power, oil, you can gas, change our economy fundamentally.
Project to extract coal from the coal mine Barapukuria, in Dinajpur, with funding and assistance of China was started from April 2003. Coal deposit is an area of 6.68 square kilometers 390 MMT here. According to general manager of coal mining companies, the sister organization of Petro Bangla, it is possible to draw years 60 years easily 10,000 tons Barapukuria, it has a 840,000 tons of recovered coal in the area of 5.2 square kilometers from there. Extraction from the start until March 2004 extraction was 70 000 MMT to 48 MMT every day. It sold 16,700 tons through public tender, the company won the 70,000 rupees hawk. That it will produce 6,57,000 tonnes in October 2005 from November 2004 is expected production volume increases every year. The purpose of the project of 72 000 Rupiton product of annual, will be used in the rest and Barapukuria power plant in other districts and brickfields following. It has been proposed by an Australian company to another that have been proposed for proposals for developing Khalispur deposits to generate 750 megawatt electricity from Fulbaria coal mining company and Australia but Mase initiatives, already the other five still is not taken for the development of mine detection. Government should take at least one of Jamalpur has been estimated in the area of 60 square kilometers and measures for the required five, it is to have a gold 1054 one million tons of coal of high quality. Coal mining, because they are in the early stages of development, in the country of our own, it is to sell coal as is told from the point of view of demand that many occasionally is not doubt. Open-pit mining method of extraction that allows for huge extraction, should be discarded considering its dire consequences by the dead 5000 years living environment, the people, residents, occurred in China when possible.
Is from the sea to the electric sun, wind and the government, it is necessary to promote other sources of commercial, biomass energy, and external at the same time. Through the turbine, was produced in modern Europe, at the time of the oil crisis of the 70s of the 19th century, much of the power, but is the best producer of electricity from wind still. India such as Germany, Denmark, like Australia, is one of the top producers. Our country is still in experimental stage. For example, it is set to experiment with LGED under the financial support of UNDP 1 wind turbine on a sea beach Cox's Bazar, another lari port pool area of the pool shell. Our problem is the mapping outside still reliable statistics of wind speed in different parts of the country. Efforts to tap the resources of the energy from the sea has not been performed. La Ranch tide factory in France, such as to produce 240 megawatts of electricity for more than 35 years, few countries only generated electricity from the sea in the world.
The government is to determine whether cheaper than those from the PV electricity generated by them. River Falls and wind and water, so very long, electricity is an old and popular source of energy being produced. As a project in our establishment Kaptai, hydropower project, being carried out in developing countries still before releasing. Cost of installation of a hydroelectric power station hydroelectric are not going for the project, such as the second we as considerable. Expenditure for the production of nuclear energy is enormous and. In addition, there is a problem of environmental pollution and the risk of advanced security. Energy and the other is as old as Archimedes is not inexhaustible as solar energy to demonstrate it through the parabolic mirror in the 3rd century BC The use of solar power. It is possible to use it, or are used in three ways: heating and cooling, the generation of electricity and fuel. Employment of solar power electrical applications all have become very popular. The widespread use of photovoltaic cells that convert electricity directly or solar photovoltaic power generation unit operation is a world. The system, perform work as water pump, lighting, Puyo, frozen, and it is, because it is environmentally friendly, that acceptance has been widespread.
In our country, in Barind region, in the remote villages, characters that do not have a connection without electricity, PVA in the case, there is a serious shortage of fossil firewood and it is gaining popularity is, beels fuel can in the hills and fields and, to be used in particular. Villagers in our country of all, you can shop, market, in the clinic, in the lighting of the home, you want to use it for agriculture mainly. There is no problem of power failure or load shedding as our country. PVA'S module provides a reliable power on its own. Operation and maintenance cost is negligible. The storage, the biggest advantage of these is that it can be used for any suitable time. It is composed of a storage battery and solar panels in two sets. Tap the solar panels, it is stored in a rechargeable cell during the day is to electricity. The set of the hope that it will be powering 20 years in our country, hawk 12000 will take 15000 for the first hawk of 6000 or 5000 rupees of India and Sri Lanka. Since then, given the longevity, cost will be about 50-60 per month hawk for farmers. In spite of it, in order to provide it in the manner described above, as neighboring countries that, solar power generation project or to provide it free of charge, thorough in Bangladesh and Narshindi in the subsidy rate, making the same There is a need, it is essential to government. Maintaining the price of the set than usual times or more, exclusive of an NGO that is set to 50000 of the sun which is, or has already been set with 4 NGO other related to the organization of the United States, this is the Grameen Bank Home system remote villages is also necessary to break, such as character
Because there is a need to make use of a very wide range of solar energy, that it will reduce the reliance on coal and gas to nil is desirable. If it is expensive to generate electricity from the sun it was found, coal should leave it completely for kiln industry and we. We advantages reliable illumination particular variety, especially because utilizing the sun for electrical use of electricity at any time in any place in the area of distance in agriculture is expensive to provide electrical and cumbersome it you need to. I think, that you use the solar energy on a large scale for towns and cities is good it. There is a possibility that heavy dependence soaring prices of both land and food on top of the farmland, but, it, that (tree perennial grass grown on agricultural land) to develop a so-called energy crops is not recommended.
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